All business students are members of FBLA on the local chapter level. To participate in activities beyond the local level, members must first pay state and national FBLA dues. State and national membership is a unified membership package and is not available separately. Initial state and national dues are to be paid on or before November 1. To receive the Fall issue of Tomorrow's Business Leader, members are required to pay national dues by October 20. Additional memberships may be submitted during the school year. All students participating in FBLA activities beyond the local chapter level must be on record as paying state and national dues by the date of the regional spring conference or March 1, whichever comes first. State Dues ProcedureTo simplify the dues-paying process and to promote unified FBLA membership, Virginia FBLA will continue the procedure started seven years ago for submitting membership dues: State and national dues must be sent in one check to the national FBLA membership dues lockbox (see address below).
* Chapters should use the following procedure to register students electronically:
* Send the check and the state and national copies of the membership form to: National Membership Dues Remember these dates when submitting dues: * October 20 to receive the first issue of Tomorrow’s Business Leader * November 1 to meet one of the criteria for Gold Seal Chapter nomination * March 1 to be eligible for regional, state, and national competition The foundation mentioned on the national membership submission Website is NOT affiliated with the Virginia FBLA-PBL Foundation. Contributions to that foundation go to a national scholarship winner. SPECIAL RECOGNITIONHonorary MembershipHonorary membership is extended to instructors, school superintendents, principals, teachers, businesspersons, and others who are helping to advance business education and the Future Business Leaders of America and who are rendering outstanding service. They may be elected to honorary membership in a local chapter by a majority vote of the chapter members at any regular meeting. Honorary members may not vote or hold any office except that of adviser in the local chapter. This presentation is made at the local level only. Honorary Life MembershipPersons making significant contributions to business education and to the growth and development of FBLA may be elected to honorary life membership in the FBLA State Chapter. These members may be recommended by local chapters but must be approved by the State Executive Board. They are not eligible to vote or hold office and are not required to pay dues. |