FBLA-PBL Professional Division

The Professional Division supports and promotes FBLA-PBL, Inc. and its goals. Members:
  • Support FBLA-PBL programs and serve as liaisons between the workplace and the classroom.
  • Mentor FBLA-PBL members to strengthen leadership and provide career counseling.
  • Keep members informed on current business trends.
Established business professionals can help, teach, and encourage the rising generation of business leaders. Professional members give students the chance to work one-on-one with experienced leaders. Members receive The Professional Edge and other national publications. Anyone who has an interest in FBLA-PBL can become a Professional Division member—former members, employers, educators, FBLA-PBL advisers, parents, business people, and community supporters.

Click HERE to become a member of the FBLA-PBL Professional Division.

Professional Division members

  • Enhance a chapter and its activities
  • Serve as liaison between business and classroom
  • Share real-life experiences at meetings and workshops
  • Provide professional development training through workshops
  • Arrange tours of local businesses
  • Guide members as they prepare for competitive events
  • Judge at local, state and national competitions
  • Help chapters with fundraising
  • Create internships and job shadowing
  • Offer scholarships and other financial support
In addition to the great feeling members receive from helping middle school, high school, and college students, members receive a number of valuable, tangible benefits in exchange for their membership dues. Professional Division members receive copies of The Professional Edge, a newsletter written specifically for professional members, as well as Tomorrow's Business Leader or PBL Business Leader.

FBLA-PBL has partnered with companies to provide hotel discounts, car rental discounts, shopping discounts, and other benefits.